Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

Tips to make more Aglaonema

 Tips to make more Aglaonema
There are many techniques on how to multiply and produce superior Aglaonema. Here is a technique used Handry owner Chuhairy Han Alam Flora in the Garden Silk Aglaonema reproduce in Tangerang in a short period of time that is the way cangkok using a plastic pot orchid seeds / glass former drinking water in the packaging, such as Aqua / Tang etc. 2. These are the stages pencangkokannya:
Unidentified%20Plant%203 Tips to make more Aglaonema
1. Akan dicangkok the plant must be healthy, free of pests and diseases. Trunk Aglaonema already high from the surface of the media. (High stem Aglaonema determine the number of cangkokan).
2. Prepare the plastic pot orchid seeds / glass former drinking water in the packaging. For plastic pot orchid seed-piece with a vertical cutter while the glass former drinking water should be made in the packaging, beneath the hole and then cut vertically with a cutter, to cut the top with scissors.
3. Aglaonema stem the akan dicangkok, if there is still leaves the leaf is removed and stem curette is about 1 cm and be oiled with a root hormone stimulation. Pot plastic vertical cut together with a stapler.
4. Fill a plastic pot with media that have been roasted husk disiram. Treatment plants that have the same dicangkok before dicangkok. Sprinkling is done 2-3 hours once a week and 2 times disiram with vitamin B1.
5. 2 months and then will grow roots and visible from behind the plastic pot. When it is cangkokan can be separated from the parent. (If the stem in 1 Aglaonema there are 2 / 3 cangkokan, make sure cangkokan top must be the root of ditumbuhi can be separated so that each, if not then start from the bottom gradually).
6. Separate each cangkokan which has grown with the root of the sterile and sharp knife cut the stem at the exact bottom of the pot is plastic. Then, before planting, cut the stem at the bottom of the fungicide be oiled (dithane 45). Cangkokan plants with planting medium consisting of husk fuel, sinister sand, dolomite lime secukupnya comparison with 3: 1. Siram plant cangkokan with vitamin B1.
New%20047 Tips to make more Aglaonema 7. Next cangkokan the treatment plant as the other.
8. Knob on the top of the parent be oiled salep growth hormone sitokinin and auksin already in common use on orchids “KEIKI”. (Sitokinin function to stimulate cell division didaerah shoot side (lateral) while auksin a role in cell division the ends of the shoots (apical bulb). In general, appear 1-2 weeks 3-4 Anakan. Anakan new usually separated after 4-5 leaved leaf sheets.

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