Red Fruit
Red fruit, a bit far, no patient degeneratif and chronic disease, like diabetes, cholesterol, heart, cancer, AIDS, and even before that has lost hope of living again can breathe relieved after hearing red fruit is able to treat these diseases.
In addition to the antiviral compound and antioxidants in high doses, red fruit also contains essential vitamins and minerals that are complete enough. Substances-vitamin in the red fruit proven very effective to overcome the various degeneratif disease and metabolic disturbances due to the eating pattern mistaken.
Juice processed red meat of 100% fruit Pandanus Conoideus Lam compound containing antioxidants in high doses. Among betakaroten, tokoferol, and virblastin. In addition, red fruit also contain acid oleat and linoleat acid, saturated fatty acid that is not easily absorbed by the body. Gynecology karoten beta, tokoferol, no saturated fatty acid (omega 3, omega 6, omega 9), calcium, energy, and other active substances proven very influential in helping the process of healing.
Sari red fruit known as a traditional medicine of Papua, which is empirical has been as an alternative to drugs for diseases such as cancer, hiv aids, tumor, hypertension etc.. When this red juice are easily obtained, because the number of producers or sellers that offer products red juice. This also would create a confusion to choose your product essence of good red fruit, red fruit extract product quality, authentic and pure. However, you should be careful in selecting.
Red Fruits & Diseases KronisKandungan the most prominent of the red fruit is antioxidants. Some antioxidants are very important, among other betakaroten, tokoferol, and also calcium. In fact, the actual calcium in red fruit is the highest in the world. Calcium is very important in body metabolism to improve health conditions. Calcium functions as kofaktor in the speed and improve the metabolism process in the Red tubuh.Peran Fruit Helps Healing Process
TumorKanker cancer and abnormal cell growth is a rapidly growing and uncontrollable. The karsinogen substances, radiation, viruses, hormones.
Tokoferol Gynecology and is a beta karoten antioxidants (prophylactic poison) and increase the body’s immune system, and prevent and obstruct permbiakan cancer cells (karsinogen).
HepatitisHepatitis is a disruption in the heart of largely due to the virus. Hepatitis B and C are not treated can develop into liver cancer (sorosis).
Red juice contains antioxidants and anti-virus can prevent the formation of cancer cells. In addition, the red juice stimulate liver cell regeneration.
Hypertension, Stroke, hypertension and JantungSeseorang stated when the blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. People at risk of hypertension when exposed to high cholesterol, eating foods beralkohol, smoking, Obesity, and less exercise. Diseases that often accompany hypertension, namely stroke and heart attack.
Red fruit contains tokoferol that can dilute the blood and quicken the blood circulation so that the actual oxygen in the blood normal. Beta karoten can slow cumulation flek in the blood vessel so that blood flow to the brain and heart can run smoothly.
KolesterolTinggi cholesterol in the blood, especially trigliserida and HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), and pengapuran can cause constriction of blood vessel in the heart, brain and kidney. Pemicunya is the consumption of food containing saturated fatty acid is excessive.
Red juice can menetralisir cholesterol in the blood.
Diabetes MellitusKelenjar pancreas in the body can not produce insulin in the amount needed so that the absorption of blood sugar less. As a result, sugar in the blood increases.
Tokoferol repair work pancreas become normal again.
Osteoporosis (bone pengeroposan) The main body because of lack of calcium so that calcium in the bones diurai lack sufficient for it.
With a high calcium contents. Red fruit can increase the amount of calcium in the body so that it can prevent and treat osteoporosis.
Interference MataGangguan the eye due to a lack of vitamin A can be overcome with the red fruit. Beta karoten (provitamin A) in the red fruit will be converted into vitamin A in the body.
KecerdasanKandungan increase the omega 3 and omega 6 in the red fruit can stimulate intellect.
Improve Sexual passion fruit and red KesuburanSari trust can enhance sexual passion. The tokoferol or vitamin E can increase the level of fertility, either in male or female.
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