Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

Make Your Adenium Beatifull

Adenium Beatifull
Adenium votes because his root. People are watching the race up Adenium hump. Unfortunately, incorrect handling, the plant even decay. Instead of Adenium be good, sometimes even so death. This small note about how to raise the knob Adenium good and true.

Almost 90% of the cells in which the water plant and one does not say when the plant is highly dependent dimension with the number of water store in cells (vacuola / socket cells). Factors that effect in this case is the level (extensibilities) and the size of the cell wall influx water in cells.

Cell growth rate increased rapidly when the cells extensibilitas and influk water into the cells also increased.

Please underlined, the growth of plant cells begins with the elongation (elongation ratio far higher than broadening) and is called primary growth. After the elongation up to a maximum point and then followed by growth towards lateral / dilatation (secondary growth). Further growth occurred in the new growing point (meristem) to the mechanism and processes the same as above.

Auksin that the hormone, hormone giberelin, and ekspansin (compound similar protein) can be trusted increase the cell wall.

Good news, the urea is we already know have a similar impact with the work ekspansin. Bad news, be careful with urea, easy to plant cell walls, and faded so prone to corruption.

Perhaps the additional 1 tablespoon (10 grams) urea in 25 liters of water (equivalent to 186 ppm urea 46%) given once a week will be quite safe.

Note: if use urea, in order to ensure effective sand media should not only planting, as urea as well as the other organic fertilizer, need to decomposition by microorganisms before it can be absorbed plant.

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