Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Carrion flower or giant suweg

bunga raflesiai Carrion flower or giant suweg

Carrion flower or giant suweg or stem krebuit (local name for the vegetative phase), Amorphophallus titanum Becc., Is a plant of the tribe of taro-talasan (Araceae) endemic of Sumatra, Indonesia, which is known as a plant with flowers (plural) in the world, note that although the relatives, A. gigas (also endemic of Sumatra) can produce flowers up to 5m. His name comes from the spent flowers smell like a corpse rot, which is actually meant to invite beetle and fly penyerbuk for interest rates.

Natural vegetation in this region live in the wet rain forest. Corpse flower is the official flower of the Province of Bengkulu.

This plant has two phases in their lives that appear alternately, and the vegetative phase generative phase. In the vegetative phase appears semunya leaves and stem. Can reach 6m high. After some time (years), vegetative organs and this fading umbinya dorman. If the reserve is adequate food in tubers, and environmental support, interest majemuknya akan appear. When the backup is less food to grow leaves again.

Interest rates are very large and high, shaped like a phallus (in fact is a cob or spadix) surrounded by seludang interest also are large. Interest and settle a protogini: reseptif female flowers first, followed masaknya male flowers, as a mechanism to prevent self pollination. Until 2005, interest in the record held by penangkaran City Bonn, Germany, which generate interest at 2.74 m in 2003. On 20 October 2005, the flower blooms with 2.91 m in height of Botany and Zoology Garden Wilhelma, Stuttgart, also in Germany. However, the City Cibodas, Indonesia claimed that the rise in interest rates there reached a height of 3.17 m in the early hours on 11 March 2004. Flower blooms for about a week, then faded. If fertilization occurs, will the red-colored fruit with seed in the former base of the flower. seeds can be planted. After the flower is cooked, all the generative faded. At that time mengempis and tuber dorman. When get enough water, will grow leaves and shoots vegetative phase immediately returned.
Various kinds of flowers

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