Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

About Adenium Arabicum

BG2 Adenium Arabicum

Adenium Arabicum is a common type of plants cultivated for bonsai, processed with the leaf, growth form and flowering characteristics. The leaves of this type have a surface of the uterus, with a slightly different version than the standard type. The leaves also tend to be larger and slightly harder on the display. Growth form is always squat and fat with certain caudex without much difference between the stem and branches. Skin is also a bit more purple to dark brown in color. Interest ranged from pink to reddish pink.
Adenium Arabicum have a lot of character. Most of them have been identified with the leaves, flowers, bark and caudex branch internodes have 9 characters.

Leave shiny, Pink Flowers, Dan Brown Caudex: Shiny leaves on top and bottom of leaves, flowers are pink and very productive, caudex skin dark brown, and consist of many branch internodes, especially in the branches above. Flower petals are also shining when the sun hit.
Leaves leathery, Red Flower, and Dark Brown Caudex: The special characteristics is black and has many branches in the branch joints, especially at the top. Trunk bark is very special, such as ruck of old elephant skin. Flowers are deep pink to red. Leaves visible Arabicums differentiate from the other. Leaves the curve at the top and mats. Leave from the line is very clear with white or red may have some middle line, keep the green color is a kind of soft and thick. Up to the top of the caudex branches have many joints and wrinkled like elephant skin.
Leaves leathery, Soft Pink Flowers, Brown and reddish Caudex: black Caudex starting from the root base to the end of the branch. Caudex the basic style is the average spread aroung like root octopus. There are many joints and the key base of caudex and also up to the top of the branch. Leaves a larger, thinner and sharper on the ends. Leave the bones is white with clear. Also there are some red lines start with the leaf stem. Flowers are very productive with the form of stars and the soft sweet pink petal They all end in curved petals, and also in the red line.

Caudex and root of the large flat base, narrow and hairy leaves, such as ruck caudex is elephant’s skin: The special characters for the most interesting is our biggest Arabicum lovers caudex and beautiful. Some of the caudex can be yellow, naturally, not from the sun. Caudex like Elephant skin. Some plants may have many small button comes about if the age is more than 5 years. Caudex slightly brown color. Leaves a wide and narrow. A sharp corner and leave the fresh green leaves, there may be some slight redline in the middle leaves. Soft pink flowers with darker pink border. They are not productive, not as in other Arabicums bind. People may not like the type of flower such as this. Arabicum this type is very good to give caudex size and the average root as crab crawl. Caudex can be yellow or gold, not from the sun.

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