Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

About Adenium Arabicum

BG2 Adenium Arabicum

Adenium Arabicum is a common type of plants cultivated for bonsai, processed with the leaf, growth form and flowering characteristics. The leaves of this type have a surface of the uterus, with a slightly different version than the standard type. The leaves also tend to be larger and slightly harder on the display. Growth form is always squat and fat with certain caudex without much difference between the stem and branches. Skin is also a bit more purple to dark brown in color. Interest ranged from pink to reddish pink.
Adenium Arabicum have a lot of character. Most of them have been identified with the leaves, flowers, bark and caudex branch internodes have 9 characters.

Leave shiny, Pink Flowers, Dan Brown Caudex: Shiny leaves on top and bottom of leaves, flowers are pink and very productive, caudex skin dark brown, and consist of many branch internodes, especially in the branches above. Flower petals are also shining when the sun hit.
Leaves leathery, Red Flower, and Dark Brown Caudex: The special characteristics is black and has many branches in the branch joints, especially at the top. Trunk bark is very special, such as ruck of old elephant skin. Flowers are deep pink to red. Leaves visible Arabicums differentiate from the other. Leaves the curve at the top and mats. Leave from the line is very clear with white or red may have some middle line, keep the green color is a kind of soft and thick. Up to the top of the caudex branches have many joints and wrinkled like elephant skin.
Leaves leathery, Soft Pink Flowers, Brown and reddish Caudex: black Caudex starting from the root base to the end of the branch. Caudex the basic style is the average spread aroung like root octopus. There are many joints and the key base of caudex and also up to the top of the branch. Leaves a larger, thinner and sharper on the ends. Leave the bones is white with clear. Also there are some red lines start with the leaf stem. Flowers are very productive with the form of stars and the soft sweet pink petal They all end in curved petals, and also in the red line.

Caudex and root of the large flat base, narrow and hairy leaves, such as ruck caudex is elephant’s skin: The special characters for the most interesting is our biggest Arabicum lovers caudex and beautiful. Some of the caudex can be yellow, naturally, not from the sun. Caudex like Elephant skin. Some plants may have many small button comes about if the age is more than 5 years. Caudex slightly brown color. Leaves a wide and narrow. A sharp corner and leave the fresh green leaves, there may be some slight redline in the middle leaves. Soft pink flowers with darker pink border. They are not productive, not as in other Arabicums bind. People may not like the type of flower such as this. Arabicum this type is very good to give caudex size and the average root as crab crawl. Caudex can be yellow or gold, not from the sun.


Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

Kembang Sepatu Flower

 Kembang Sepatu

Hibiscus plant is a bush that came from East Asia. This plant is often used as ornamental plants. People call it the Kembang Worowari name is being latinnya Hibiscus rosa sinensis.

This can benefit the plant as a mix of shoe polish, coloring materials in the food while the leaves and flowers are also used as a material way with the traditional dried after boiled dry mixed with sugar batu.Di some areas it is used as a mixture of tea.


Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Carrion flower or giant suweg

bunga raflesiai Carrion flower or giant suweg

Carrion flower or giant suweg or stem krebuit (local name for the vegetative phase), Amorphophallus titanum Becc., Is a plant of the tribe of taro-talasan (Araceae) endemic of Sumatra, Indonesia, which is known as a plant with flowers (plural) in the world, note that although the relatives, A. gigas (also endemic of Sumatra) can produce flowers up to 5m. His name comes from the spent flowers smell like a corpse rot, which is actually meant to invite beetle and fly penyerbuk for interest rates.

Natural vegetation in this region live in the wet rain forest. Corpse flower is the official flower of the Province of Bengkulu.

This plant has two phases in their lives that appear alternately, and the vegetative phase generative phase. In the vegetative phase appears semunya leaves and stem. Can reach 6m high. After some time (years), vegetative organs and this fading umbinya dorman. If the reserve is adequate food in tubers, and environmental support, interest majemuknya akan appear. When the backup is less food to grow leaves again.

Interest rates are very large and high, shaped like a phallus (in fact is a cob or spadix) surrounded by seludang interest also are large. Interest and settle a protogini: reseptif female flowers first, followed masaknya male flowers, as a mechanism to prevent self pollination. Until 2005, interest in the record held by penangkaran City Bonn, Germany, which generate interest at 2.74 m in 2003. On 20 October 2005, the flower blooms with 2.91 m in height of Botany and Zoology Garden Wilhelma, Stuttgart, also in Germany. However, the City Cibodas, Indonesia claimed that the rise in interest rates there reached a height of 3.17 m in the early hours on 11 March 2004. Flower blooms for about a week, then faded. If fertilization occurs, will the red-colored fruit with seed in the former base of the flower. seeds can be planted. After the flower is cooked, all the generative faded. At that time mengempis and tuber dorman. When get enough water, will grow leaves and shoots vegetative phase immediately returned.
Various kinds of flowers


Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Red betel plant

Red betel plant (Piper crocatum) included in the family Piperaceae, grow with the spread of leaf-like heart and bertangkai, which criss-cross growth of stem and leaf penampakan the red silvery and shiny. In betel leaves are red-fito chemical compound that is alkoloid, saponin, ta-nin and flavonoid. Foreword has been red since first used by people who are on the island of Java as a medicine for meyem-buhkan different types of diseases and is part of the tradition. The use of betel red can be used in the form of fresh, simplisia capsule or extract.332023 sirihmerah Red betel plant

The empirical red betel can cure many kinds of diseases such as diabetes mi-litus, hepatitis, kidney stones, me-nurunkan cholesterol, prevent stroke, blood vessel acid, hypertension, ra-dang liver, prostat inflammation, eye inflammation, keputihan, ulcer, fatigue, painful joints and refine the skin. Praklinis test results in mice with the extract dose up to 20 g / kg body weight, safe and not be consumed toksik. Many in the red betel-use center at the clinic as an herbal concoction or therapy for people who can not be in-sembuhkan with chemical drugs. Potential red betel plants as medicines is very large multi-function needs to be improved so that in use as modern medicine.

Red betel plant (Piper crocatum) included in the family Piperaceae, grow with the spread of leaf-like heart and bertangkai, which criss-cross growth of stem and leaf penampakan the red silvery and shiny. In betel leaves are red-fito chemical compound that is alkoloid, saponin, ta-nin and flavonoid. Foreword has been red since first used by people who are on the island of Java as a medicine for meyem-buhkan different types of diseases and is part of the tradition. The use of betel red can be used in the form of fresh, simplisia capsule or extract.
The empirical red betel can cure many kinds of diseases such as diabetes mi-litus, hepatitis, kidney stones, me-nurunkan cholesterol, prevent stroke, blood vessel acid, hypertension, ra-dang liver, prostat inflammation, eye inflammation, keputihan, ulcer, fatigue, painful joints and refine the skin. Praklinis test results in mice with the extract dose up to 20 g / kg body weight, safe and not be consumed toksik. Many in the red betel-use center at the clinic as an herbal concoction or therapy for people who can not be in-sembuhkan with chemical drugs. Potential red betel plants as medicines is very large multi-function needs to be improved so that in use as modern medicine.
Betel plants have many species and has a diverse species, such as ivory betel, betel green, black betel, betel betel yellow and red. All types of betel plant characteristics that have almost the same trees with the form of a vine-like leaves and hearts bertangkai a criss cross of the growing stem.

Red betel (Piper crocatum) is one of the potential medicinal plant which has been long-known in the property have a variety of drugs to cure many kinds of disease, as it also has a spritual values high. Red betel included in one important element that must be provided in each traditional ceremonies, particularly in Jogyakarta. Crops included in this family-raceae Pipe penampakan leaves with a red and shiny keperakkan when a light.
Red betel vine growing in a fence or tree. Characteristic of this plant is trunked rounded green keunguan and not flowering. Leaves bertangkai form the heart of the heart and leaves the end of the taper. Leaf surface to polish and not evenly distributed. The mem-off with the betel leaves than green is a red silvery, when the leaves disobek akan slimy aromanya and more fragrant.

Betel red herb has long been used by environmental Jogyakarta kra-ton as a medicinal plant that beguna for ngadi saliro. In the 1990’s in the red betel-Enable as ornamental plants by the hobis, because the appearance of interest. Surface silvery leaves and shiny red. In the recent years many spoken and used as medicinal plants like. From some experience, the mind has a red betel savor drugs for various diseases. Herb with red betel has been a lot of people from various curable pe-nyakit. Thus many people who want to membudidayakannya.


Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009


mengkudu Mengkudu

Mengkudu (Java: pace, kemudu, flower); cengkudu (Sunda), kodhuk (Madura), wengkudu (Bali) derived local Southeast Asia, classified in the family Rubiaceae. Another name for this plant is Noni (Hawaiian language), Nono (Tahiti language), nonu (Tonga language), ungcoikan (Myanmar language) and Ach (Hindi).

This plant grows in low altitude at 1500 m. High tree mengkudu reached 3-8 m, has a white flower head. Fruit is green and has a shiny spot-spot.
Mengkudu often used as drugs.


Mengkudu origin is the existence of the Polynesian peoples who lived in the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Polynesian nation is derived from Southeast Asia. In the year 100 BC, the people who are brave mengembara.tanpa this because they are clear across the ocean to leave their home. There is an impression that in the nomadic kecewakan by a sense of things and draw away from the previous life. After the old rogue, they are up to around Polynesia, the islands around the South Pacific. The adventurers directly be taken while viewing the beautiful scenery, beach conditions, and pulaunya.

Uniquely, as if they were prepared to move to another island. This can be evidenced with a number of plants and animals that participated brought, because it is important to maintain life. Some native plants, such as banana, taro, sweet potato, toothless gum, sugar cane, and mengkudu, between dibawanya.di brought it, there is still a form of stek and shoot. One of the plants, namely mengkudu, goods are considered sacred. Since 1500 years ago the island that is now called the Hawaiian mengkudu know with a young sexy.html”target=”_blank”title=”Hot Girl Pose Image” >girl. They suspect latin plant called Morinda citrifolia has many benefits. They memandangnya as Hawaii magic plant, because this is the fruit can treat various diseases.

The characteristics of general

Mengkudu tree is not so large, the height between 4-6 m. crooked crooked-stem, branchy rigid, rugged, and has roots that stuck in the upside. Stem bark greyish-brown or straw-brown kuniangan, be split in shallow, not furry, four children bersegai branches. Tajuknya suklalu green all year round. Wood mengkudu easy to be dried after. Cantilever can be used to pepper plants.

Leaved thick shiny. Leaves mengkudu located face-to-face. Large-size leaves large, thick, and a single. Ellipse lancet-shaped, measuring 15-50 x 5-17 cm. edge leaves flat, short end of the taper. Base wedge-shaped leaves. Menyirip leaf nerves. Color hiaju shiny, not feathered. Leaf base short, size 0,5-2,5 cm. penumpu leaf size varied, wide-shaped triangle. Mengkudu leaves can be eaten as vegetables. High nutrient value because many contain vitamin A.

Perbungaan mengkudu bertipe tuber rounded, 1-4 cm bergagang. Flowers grow in the axilla penumpu that leaves dealing with the leaves that grow normally. Two flowers in pairs. Crown of white flowers, funnel-shaped, the length can reach 1.5 cm. Stamen stuck in the mouth crown. Pistil head berputing two. Flowers that bloom from the pod shaped like bunches. Flowers white, fragrant.

Sheath flowers grow into fruit rounded oval of egg even have a berdiameter 7,5-10 cm. The fruit surface as divided into cells poligonal (many facets), which pitted and warty. At first the fruit is green, the ripe white colors. Once cooked, the color white transparent and soft. Pulp composed of fruit-fruit pyramid-shaped stone, red-brown color. After a soft, flesh of the fruit contains many mengkudu water aromanya like rotten cheese. Smell that arise because of mixing between kaprik acid and acid kaproat (compound lipid or fat that cluster molekulnya easily evaporate, such as oil is to be atsiri) that rancid smell and the taste sour kaprilat not tasty. This is allegedly the second compound is active as antibiotics.

Gynecology mengkudu

Nutritional substances: overall mengkudu nutritious food is a fruit full. Nutritional substances that the body needs, such as protein, viamin, and important minerals, is available on dalm enough fruit and leaves mengkudu:

One of the minerals that are on the mengkudu a great antioxidants. Various types of compound in the mengkudu: xeronine, plant sterois, alizarin, lycine, sosium, caprylic acid, arginine, proxeronine, antra quinines, trace elemens, phenylalanine, magnesium, etc..

This substance helps in the process of organic synthesis and recovery of body cells.


Anti-bacterial substances.
Oxygen-active substances in the juice mengkudu can kill bacteria that cause infections, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Protens morganii, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, and Escherichia coli. Anti-bacterial substance that can also control the bacterial pathogen (death), such as Salmonella montivideo, S. scotmuelleri, S. typhi, and Shigella dusenteriae, S. flexnerii, S. pradysenteriae, and Staphylococcus aureus.


Scolopetin compound as a very effective element of anti-inflammation and anti allergic.


Anti-cancer substances.
Substance anti-cancer substances that are on the mengkudu most effective against abnormal cells.


Xeronine and Proxeronine.
One of the important alkaloid that terdapt in the fruit mengkudu is xeronine. Mengkudu fruit xeronine only slightly, but many contain material forming (precursor) xeronine alias proxeronine in large numbers. Proxeronine is similar nukleat acid such as colloid-colloid other. Xeronine absorbed body cells to enable protein-protein that is not active, set the structure and form of the active cell.


Mengkudu various benefits:
As wild plants, and poor appearance of decay, increased Pamor mengkudu now be food, drinks and medicines herbal alternative. It’s not a pleasure, but because of the many health benefits to the body.

In Indonesia, especially in rural communities are actually consumed since mengkudu first. The Java community rujak duck material that is one of this fruit, while the leaves of young people prepare to become part of the raw material vegetable or eaten raw as lalapan. New in 1990-an increasingly recognized mengkudu knowledgeable. Popularity mengkudu not be separated from the success of the Food Institute Pengkajian Business Bogor (LPBP), a research institute which examines the first Indonesian mengkudu benefits for human health.

Popularity mengkudu now increasingly the world, especially after Dr Solomon Heil perform therapy on 8000 patients. The result is very brisk indeed, the essence mengkudu continuously provide positive correlation to the healing of cancer disease, the heart, to control hypertension, indigestion, diabetes and stroke. In addition mengkudu extract can also be trusted to increase endurance and stamina and help the body cure tuberculosis (TB). Mengkudu also rich in fiber is good for digestive health channel.

Mengkudu Product Variety:

Many people are less like the aroma mengkudu smell and taste sour. Do not khuatir, at this time a variety of products it mengkudu many circulating in the market. From fruit juice mengkudu rich taste, tablet mengkudu until the capsule form easily we can get. Even not only that, the body care products and cosmetics such as shampoo, soap, body lotion etc. also use raw materials mengkudu.

Create your love consume mengkudu fresh, the following tips can help reduce the aroma mengkudu which does not taste sour and tasty. Mix extract / juice mengkudu already in the filter with brown sugar or honey. Save a place in the clean, cool and a closed meeting for 2-4 days, and juice-drink ready without even smell the sting and a sweet fresh taste. This process will become askorbat acid, kaproat and kaprik causes stink. Keep in mind, however, do not store it too long because it will cause terbentuknya compound alcohol memabukan.


Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

Red Fruit

buah merah asli Red Fruit

Red fruit, a bit far, no patient degeneratif and chronic disease, like diabetes, cholesterol, heart, cancer, AIDS, and even before that has lost hope of living again can breathe relieved after hearing red fruit is able to treat these diseases.
In addition to the antiviral compound and antioxidants in high doses, red fruit also contains essential vitamins and minerals that are complete enough. Substances-vitamin in the red fruit proven very effective to overcome the various degeneratif disease and metabolic disturbances due to the eating pattern mistaken.
Juice processed red meat of 100% fruit Pandanus Conoideus Lam compound containing antioxidants in high doses. Among betakaroten, tokoferol, and virblastin. In addition, red fruit also contain acid oleat and linoleat acid, saturated fatty acid that is not easily absorbed by the body. Gynecology karoten beta, tokoferol, no saturated fatty acid (omega 3, omega 6, omega 9), calcium, energy, and other active substances proven very influential in helping the process of healing.
Sari red fruit known as a traditional medicine of Papua, which is empirical has been as an alternative to drugs for diseases such as cancer, hiv aids, tumor, hypertension etc.. When this red juice are easily obtained, because the number of producers or sellers that offer products red juice. This also would create a confusion to choose your product essence of good red fruit, red fruit extract product quality, authentic and pure. However, you should be careful in selecting.
Red Fruits & Diseases KronisKandungan the most prominent of the red fruit is antioxidants. Some antioxidants are very important, among other betakaroten, tokoferol, and also calcium. In fact, the actual calcium in red fruit is the highest in the world. Calcium is very important in body metabolism to improve health conditions. Calcium functions as kofaktor in the speed and improve the metabolism process in the Red tubuh.Peran Fruit Helps Healing Process
TumorKanker cancer and abnormal cell growth is a rapidly growing and uncontrollable. The karsinogen substances, radiation, viruses, hormones.
Tokoferol Gynecology and is a beta karoten antioxidants (prophylactic poison) and increase the body’s immune system, and prevent and obstruct permbiakan cancer cells (karsinogen).
HepatitisHepatitis is a disruption in the heart of largely due to the virus. Hepatitis B and C are not treated can develop into liver cancer (sorosis).
Red juice contains antioxidants and anti-virus can prevent the formation of cancer cells. In addition, the red juice stimulate liver cell regeneration.
Hypertension, Stroke, hypertension and JantungSeseorang stated when the blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. People at risk of hypertension when exposed to high cholesterol, eating foods beralkohol, smoking, Obesity, and less exercise. Diseases that often accompany hypertension, namely stroke and heart attack.
Red fruit contains tokoferol that can dilute the blood and quicken the blood circulation so that the actual oxygen in the blood normal. Beta karoten can slow cumulation flek in the blood vessel so that blood flow to the brain and heart can run smoothly.
KolesterolTinggi cholesterol in the blood, especially trigliserida and HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), and pengapuran can cause constriction of blood vessel in the heart, brain and kidney. Pemicunya is the consumption of food containing saturated fatty acid is excessive.
Red juice can menetralisir cholesterol in the blood.
Diabetes MellitusKelenjar pancreas in the body can not produce insulin in the amount needed so that the absorption of blood sugar less. As a result, sugar in the blood increases.
Tokoferol repair work pancreas become normal again.
Osteoporosis (bone pengeroposan) The main body because of lack of calcium so that calcium in the bones diurai lack sufficient for it.
With a high calcium contents. Red fruit can increase the amount of calcium in the body so that it can prevent and treat osteoporosis.
Interference MataGangguan the eye due to a lack of vitamin A can be overcome with the red fruit. Beta karoten (provitamin A) in the red fruit will be converted into vitamin A in the body.
KecerdasanKandungan increase the omega 3 and omega 6 in the red fruit can stimulate intellect.
Improve Sexual passion fruit and red KesuburanSari trust can enhance sexual passion. The tokoferol or vitamin E can increase the level of fertility, either in male or female.
dikutib of red fruit online
various green flowers


Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Sirih Flower’s

sirih Sirih Flowers

Is the name of the betel vine type plants that rely on other trees. Culture as leaf and fruit normally eaten together with the gambier chewing, areca nut and lime. However, betel chewing has been associated with the disease of cancer and the formation of mouth squamous cell carcinoma of malignan.

Foreword used as a medicinal plant (fitofarmaka); very influential in the life of the various ceremonies and traditional Malay family.

Gynecology and the benefits

Atsiri oil from betel leaves contain oil fly (betIephenol), seskuiterpen, starch, diatase, sugar and oxygen samak and chavicol has power off the germ, and antioksidasi fungicide, anti-fungus. Foreword nutritious eliminate body odor caused bacteria and fungus. Betel leaves are also holding bleeding, heal wounds on the skin, alimentary tract, and interference. It also can be mengerutkan, removing the phlegm, saliva cause to fall, hemostatik, and stop the bleeding.

Usually the medicine for the nose bleed, use 2 pieces of Piper betle leaves fresh, washed, digulung then inserted in the nose Iubang.


1. Cough
2. Sariawan
3. Bronchitis
4. Whelk
5. Keputihan
6. Toothache because perforated (leaves)
7. Dengue fever
8. Mouth odor
9. Menstruation is not regular
10. Asthma
11. Sore throat (leaves and oil)
12. Gumboil (getahnya)
13. Clearing the Eye

Use of Foreign

1. Eczema
2. Burns
3. Ulceration (pyodermi)
4. Foot mange
5. Blain
6. Nosebleed
7. Eye pain
8. Gum bleeding
9. Reduce the production of breastmilk
10. The itch


Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

Caring for Plants: Indoor and Outdoor While Rainy

Indoor and outdoor plants do not let time penghujan arrived as a result can be fatal Iho. Ada Kok keduanya.Penghujan for special treatment is a season that should diwaspadai for hobis indoor and outdoor plants. Why? For the rainy season can make the plant can die quickly. This is due to the humid conditions caused the rainy season is.

A clear micro humidity around the plant escalate. As a result ditumbuhi vulnerable plant fungus and bacteria. How do I treat this plant during the rainy season?
During the rainy season, plants must often dipangkasi. Trimming leaves this function to reduce the humidity in the plant maikro. What leaves that need to be trimmed? The leaves must be trimmed is the cause of excessive moisture around the plant stem.

Most types of tabulampot leaved must have a thick trimming process. Leaves the young leaves are trimmed or susu that lead to growth in the plant stem. Javanese term commonly called the shoot wiwilan. Because the cause of so high humidity in the plant, the shoot should be cut this time. Shoots in this plant is rarely kebagian sun. So that the process of change quickly. Moreover, if not routine hujannya. Nah, dolomite is a function of soil pH menyetabilkan so easy to keep the plant roots absorb burly.

The provision of this dolomite is quite easy. For plants that are in the pot berdiameter 40 s / d 50 cm, providing enough dolomite 5 tbs ditebar the way around the surface. Most suitable ditebar earlier when the rainy season. With dolomite, leaves the plant avoid contamination. Decaying leaves marked with yellow color of dried cacao ago.

This has advantages capable of holding water and the pH is not easy to go down.
When it rains, the media need to be diminished only slightly. Example cases in orchid pot. When using charcoal medium, the amount should be reduced arangnya time penghujan. When the root of the orchid not involve the charcoal, the charcoal should be taken. This is to avoid contamination in the stem and root of the orchid. When the new season, the charcoal can ditambahi again. This is the difference in treatment between the rainy season, the indoor plants bermedia not the land.

Tip three is to give NPK fertilizer. This fertilizer is easy pemakaiannya. This is the planting medium in 15 cm far from the plant stem. When exposed to rain water, fertilizer will dissolve itself in the ground. If done at the kemarou, the fertilizer is horus dilarutkon dolam water first, then disiramkan around the roots.
Tip four is penyemprolan fungicide. Spraying fungicide can be mixed with insecticide.

To avoid the penyemprolan futile, see the weather conditions first. When this day and tomorrow does not rain, Mako tomorrow either eject most of the second line. Or if this sunny morning, the material can be disemprotkan. This medicine will dry out and coat the plants within 2-3 hours after spray.

Spraying is done it 2 times a week. Effective spraying be done morning and evening. Morning between 06.00 s / d 08.00. Because the morning when the stomata open wider and more active insect attack on the target so that appropriate. Try using a small spray and spray on the leaf surface of the bottom of the nest because it is a place where pests.

Tip five is to penggemburan and weeding the soil. Outdoor plants that use soil media should digemburkan. This serves to improve the physical nature of the land, especially to improve porositasnya.

Sixth tip is to place a pot over high ground. Fungsinya agar terhindar dari genangan air. Some of the city or area in your home, would be affected by flood or stagnant water in part. Pot the stagnant akan always make the ground moist, this is fatal because it can to root rot. Most easy way is to place a pot on a rack or pile. (agrobis)


Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

Tips to make more Aglaonema

 Tips to make more Aglaonema
There are many techniques on how to multiply and produce superior Aglaonema. Here is a technique used Handry owner Chuhairy Han Alam Flora in the Garden Silk Aglaonema reproduce in Tangerang in a short period of time that is the way cangkok using a plastic pot orchid seeds / glass former drinking water in the packaging, such as Aqua / Tang etc. 2. These are the stages pencangkokannya:
Unidentified%20Plant%203 Tips to make more Aglaonema
1. Akan dicangkok the plant must be healthy, free of pests and diseases. Trunk Aglaonema already high from the surface of the media. (High stem Aglaonema determine the number of cangkokan).
2. Prepare the plastic pot orchid seeds / glass former drinking water in the packaging. For plastic pot orchid seed-piece with a vertical cutter while the glass former drinking water should be made in the packaging, beneath the hole and then cut vertically with a cutter, to cut the top with scissors.
3. Aglaonema stem the akan dicangkok, if there is still leaves the leaf is removed and stem curette is about 1 cm and be oiled with a root hormone stimulation. Pot plastic vertical cut together with a stapler.
4. Fill a plastic pot with media that have been roasted husk disiram. Treatment plants that have the same dicangkok before dicangkok. Sprinkling is done 2-3 hours once a week and 2 times disiram with vitamin B1.
5. 2 months and then will grow roots and visible from behind the plastic pot. When it is cangkokan can be separated from the parent. (If the stem in 1 Aglaonema there are 2 / 3 cangkokan, make sure cangkokan top must be the root of ditumbuhi can be separated so that each, if not then start from the bottom gradually).
6. Separate each cangkokan which has grown with the root of the sterile and sharp knife cut the stem at the exact bottom of the pot is plastic. Then, before planting, cut the stem at the bottom of the fungicide be oiled (dithane 45). Cangkokan plants with planting medium consisting of husk fuel, sinister sand, dolomite lime secukupnya comparison with 3: 1. Siram plant cangkokan with vitamin B1.
New%20047 Tips to make more Aglaonema 7. Next cangkokan the treatment plant as the other.
8. Knob on the top of the parent be oiled salep growth hormone sitokinin and auksin already in common use on orchids “KEIKI”. (Sitokinin function to stimulate cell division didaerah shoot side (lateral) while auksin a role in cell division the ends of the shoots (apical bulb). In general, appear 1-2 weeks 3-4 Anakan. Anakan new usually separated after 4-5 leaved leaf sheets.


Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009


Aglaonema%2C%20Bambang%27s Aglaonema
Aglaonema have long since attempted culture up through the network. But this time the new results show. IS THAT BERHASIL MONFORY NUSANTARA. THE METHOD ORGANOGENIS, using a cutting edge stem shoots. Total there are around 15 hybrid Aglaonema that shows good performance in the laboratory and nursery owned Monfory in Bogor, West Java. “Since approximately two years ago we conducted an experiment on hybrid 30 and later we added 12 hybrid,” said Suzy Ratnawati Madjid, Plant Manager Monfory archipelago. Results kuljar have to go to nursery division adapted and grew up ready to be marketed. Among others, Lady Valentine, Cochin copper, Red fire, lipstick flamingo, and Madonna. Silangan Gregory Hambali kinds Madame Suroyo, Adelia, and Siti Nurbaya also already started production. “Now we can generate total 2000 Anakan silangan Aglaonema monthly. But the number increased akan terns,” go Suzy.
Tissue culture techniques in plant leaves berjuluk queen is similar to the procedure kuljar (cultural network) other ornamental plants. Aglaonema cycle but have kuljar longer. “If the caladium and alokasia only take 4 weeks to grow and eksplan ready to cut back. But Aglaonema take up 5-6 weeks,” said Suzy. This phase is called ordinary subkultur through micro stek.
Aglaonema%20sp.1 Aglaonema
But the major problem in the process of sterilization is kuljar Aglaonema eksplan. If eksplan terkontaminasi, will not be able to grow. Setup save plants endogen bacteria that could be different. “We do a lot of trial and error £ t find a specific technique and successful sterilization. Materials for sterilization exactly as we use for other ornamental plants,” continued Susy.

After the sterilization process is successful, try to stay-try media concoction and hormone most fitting that the maximum growth. Monfory use media kuljar solid MS-based media.
“But with some modifications and adding a certain hormone compound. Eksplan cutting technique is also different,” he added.

Culture networks scale home for a local plant called Sri Rejeki already tried this. Like

conducted by Novi Syatria in Klender, East Jakarta. But not one hundred percent successful, the problem of sterilization is still a constraint. “Eksplan in sight but still terkontaminasi grow bacteria. I’m trying with additional anti-bacterial formula that good results on other plants,” said University of Bengkulu down.

Novi eksplan perform sterilization before planting. Discount derive stem shoots washed with running water and detergent. Then in the Shaker-in fungicide solution and rinsed with water stern. Followed soaked fungicide solution, rinsed clean water to stern.

Third step is carried out 30 menu masingmasing Last soaked in 70% alcohol solution while digoyang and rinsed 5 times with water. The process of network culture, according to Novi, the scale can be done in the home. Can use
equipment that is affordable. Such Laminar air flow, such as the stern, can be replaced with the incase that could be on the glazier. Autoclaf can be replaced with pan presto, provided that temperature can exceed 100 ° C. The use of solid mediaa unnecessary engine Shaker. If you use a media buy, no need to scale and measuring tool. Perlengkapan bottles can also be replaced. But need to keep cool space that is diisolasi culture. For the beginners can take advantage of air-conditioned rooms.
“The basic work can only be learned in one day, the rest through practice,” continued the Novi kuljar frequent training.

Nah, you can try it out. ~

1. Media cooked incoming bottles, inserted autoclaf for 1 hour. Make sure that sterile up to 3 days.
2. Tool that would be used in disterilisasi first autoclaf.
3. Sterilization equipment, if the laminar, place in a closed laminar and UV light

light it up.
4. Laminar opened, blower and lights a flame, spray 70% alcohol. ”
5. Materials and equipment disemprot alcohol.
6. Eksplan material cut from a healthy parent.
7. Sterilization and eksplan cutting outside and work in the tool (or in the laminar case).
8. Eksplan planted, use tweezers that have been burned and dyed fire bunsan sterile water. Mouth

bottles bunsan fire also burned.
9. Bottles are placed in sterile rooms bersuhu cool until ready dimultifikasi through road stek


Silangan Local chirk
Aglaonema most successful dikembangbiakkan through such technology is cloned in the hybrid hash Monfory contradiction Thailand. Aglaonema silangan while Gregory Hambali in Bogor, not optimal. “Perhaps influenced material silangan, Thailand silangan offspring Cochin rugs have long foreshadow more rapid growth. Rotundum with the descendants of the beruas short,” said Levi Weather Pohar, marketing manager Monfory archipelago. “Kuljar use media concoction and the same formula, the growth of local Aglaonema still not as fast as silangan Thailand,” added Suzy. Hormone-specific ingredients required. Until now,

Monfory have 28 ingredients to make the media to initiate 12 species of plants.


Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

Caring for and lend Adenium and Euphorbia

Euphorbis %28Silver Anniversa Adenium and Euphorbia

Caring for and lend Adenium and Euphorbia
To have easy Adenium and Euphorbia flowering, it needs to be done includes the sprinkling treatment, fertilization, pruning, and the media The pot plant, and pest and disease control in an integrated fashion. Things to note are as follows:
IMG 8186 Adenium and Euphorbia

Embed media.
 Adenium and Euphorbia
Media work for the plant:

Place the root of plant growth
Shore plants that grow well
The provider of water and fertilizer
851775 arabicumdwarfmedusa Adenium and Euphorbia
Media planting must have a good terms as follows:

Does not contain seeds, and pest and disease free weeds.
Able to accommodate the water, but also able to remove / drain the excess water.
Crumb and porous, so the roots can grow and develop the planting media penetrate easily.
Degree of acidity (pH) between 6.0 to 6.5
Media up to 0.5 EC

Adenium Plant Euphorbia and more like the media is able to dry and remove excess water rapidly. Thus, in PT Godong Ijo Asri, media Adenium and Euphorbia plant uses a mixture of coconut fiber dust, husk fuel, zeolit gravel, and sand. All media type plant is already over before it is through the sterilization process to kill the seed of disease and weed seeds. While the land is not used because the land in Indonesia the average is less porous, containing many weed seeds and disease, and less able to drain off excess water.

Advantages and weaknesses of each of the planting media used are as follows:
AA0005 big Adenium and Euphorbia
Husk fuel. Husk fuel derived from rice husk disangrai until the black shapes, but still intact and not to be gray. With this disangrai, husk charcoal at the same time to be sterilized, because the temperature is high and seed diseases of rice seed remaining akan mati. Charcoal husk is a porous media, but less able to water. Therefore, in use, is mixed with other media that are able to accommodate the water.

Powder coconut fiber (coco peat). Coco peat fiber derived from coconut that has been separated from the fiber, and has been boiled to remove tanin substances (substances that can mematian plants). With boiling, sterilization means also to remove the seed-seedling diseases that may have therein. Coco peat can store a lot of water, and when used must be mixed with other media so that excess water can be removed.

Sand. Sand used for the planting media is river sand that has been filtered so that no dirt form of land, and then boiled for sterilization. Sand beach can not be used because there is salt in it. In use, the sand is usually mixed with other media, because the sand is not capable of binding water.

Zeolit gravel. Green stone zeolit young, is the rock that is able to accommodate the manure disiramkan him, and can also reduce the chemical elements that are toxic to plants. Stone zeolit in use as a planting media parsed first into gravel, so that the size suitable for planting media.

Styrofoam. Styrofoam or foam is white, used a part of the planting media is just that the media do not plant too densely. In use, cut or sliced stirofoam of dice, and placed didasar pot.

Please note that all the media over the plant, is a waste. Hull is a waste of rice, coconut fiber dust from the waste industry is the making of coconut fiber fiber (industrial seat, mat, etc.), river sand used is a coarse sand (the rest of the housing development), while the gravel zeolit from the waste rock is processed for zeolit elements of the house wall. Planting media is media that is also found in large enough amount, so it can be used to supply mass-scale agriculture.

Some other types of media that can be used by the hobiis are as follows:

Fern (fern chopped before use),
Spagnum moss,
charcoal, wood, etc..

However, the media is difficult to find many in number, so it is rarely used for planting crops sekala.

Please note that the various planting media used above does not contain elements of fertilizers at all. Differentiate with manure or compost containing manure that has been, but have less requirements for a good planting medium for Adenium and Euphorbia


Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009

Adenium Arabicum Dwarf

603593 img 3266 Adenium Arabicum Dwarf
Previously, there is surely still among us who are confused with the meaning of the word meaning Arabicum Dwarf, which means the plant is actually the type of Adenium Arabicum the kuntet, its branches does not boast, while the caudex (lower knob) will widen, with the contraction-contraction appeared akan on the effect of too kuntet this. Until he appears to be so exotic.
1230224 arabicumdraftblackknight Adenium Arabicum Dwarf
There are 2 characteristics that karaktersitik need to be out of shape or Dwarf Bonsai Arabicum is as follows:

First, the skin stem look very wrinkled (very wrankle), darker colors, and many fold-fold (many joints). Skin color is dark as to the size of the image in the top of the marked growth will stop, especially the main branch (slowed), or grow slowly but will be growing caudex chubby (fat).
587399 img 3387 Adenium Arabicum Dwarf
Second, remain stable, with many short branches in the fat caudex. So that is very interesting because the antique and classic look.

Two characters on top of things can be set and measurements of the quality of a form of Bonsai Dwarf Arabicum or Arabicum.

Meanwhile, there are three types of hybrid Arabicum that can produce the form of Dwarf Arabicum with good quality, ie, Petch Na Wang, barrel and Sing Bu Ri Ri Bu.

Step by Step Making Dwarf

There are several steps in creating or Dwarf Bonsai of them as follows:

The first step:
We choose only the seeds from which
fresh and healthy from the three types above.

Step two:
musti we use the special media, including the degree and the sprinkling of water, which can enrich the growth of seeds that grow better and faster and the best form.

Step three:
After the seeds sprout grow from a special media between 2-3 days, we observe the growth of seedlings carefully and follow the stages of growth until the age of 6 months

Step four:
Answer form is shaped like a crown (crown) with a fat caudex skin and ensure a green branch. Branch means the green seedling can grow large and large. Some may be able to grow tergoncang time, before the truly healthy that can eventually lose their good form.

After 6 months of Dwarf akan becomes stable. Now decide whether the stay will be a form of large or bonsai (dwarf), which will affect the future growth.


Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

How To Seed Adenium

By using the media plant:

* Prepare media seeding seed. Berdiameter pot can be a 30 or 40 cm, or can also use a special tray for seeding.
* Media that seeding can be used is cocopeat (coconut fiber), which are sold in many shops saprotan, mixed with bran and roasted secukupnya hapless sand. Comparison of 2:2:1.
* Enter the media page to the seedling in a pot or tray as 3/4-nya earlier.
* Sprays with water media using sprayer.
* Make the planting hole, can use a pencil or index finger, about 1 cm deep with the distance between the holes about 1.5 cm.
* Enter the seeds one by one into the holes before.
* Put the seedsAdenium with sleeping position. So do not randomly assigned.
* Cover the seeds with the same planting medium on top of it.
* Spray the top of the media again until wet with the sprayer. (There are some laborers, and then cover the pot or tray with plastic or to remain moist.)
* Put in the shade, with sunlight and air circulation is good (windy).
* In the time 7-10 days, the seeds will sprout into a
* After high shoot reach around 5-8 cm, and have 3-4 pairs of leaves, shoot-shoot can be moved to earlier in the pot itself.
* Is ready to shoot it dried gradually.


Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

Cucumber Magnolia Flower’s

Cucumber Magnolia
Magnolia 'Golden Sun'
Synonym: Magnolia acuminata
Cucumber Magnolia Flowers
We had a great day on the new job yesterday. The crew works like a well oiled machine and they have really done an incredible amount of work. I could do what I do without too much interference. There are 100 feet of boxwood hedges at home and I am against the size of all the English type dwarfs. The others I am shearing loose and hit with hand pruners. I call it a hybrid technique, where I get really hairy all growth with gas cutters. They are probably the most abused tool I've ever seen. Plants and gardens have never been the same since they were invented.
Cucumber Magnolia Flowers
Funny thing about this garden was, I went in early March to make an estimate and not a sensation of heat from everything. I feel that I can normally assess a garden and even in the good points of winter, but this place was totally fooled. When I came back home yesterday my breath was literally taken away by the 20 + Pink Flowering Dogwoods in full bloom. It looked like an enchanted forest. I wear a wide today to try to capture the scene, but I am not hopeful. I thought it was funny that I posted a picture on this blog Pink Flowering Dogwood only hours before.


Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009

Hybrid Tuberous Begonia Flower

Hybrid Tuberous Begonia

Hybrid Tuberous Begonia
Begonia x tuberhybrida
(be-GON-yuh) (too-ber-HY-brid-uh)
Synonyms: Non-stop Begonias

Hybrid Tuberous Begonia

This year I decided to plant a lot of these and they seem to be a big hit. Valley View grew a mix of yellow, salmon, pink and a couple of bi-colors. They also had some of the Mocca series, which has a dark leaf. I just have been putting the colors together in some big mixed plantings and it makes a colorful carpet in the moist shade. I have read that they are deer resistant and will report back with my actual experience as some of the plants are in pretty heavy grazing territory.


Two pink flowering Crabapple

Two pink flowering Crabapple

Two pink flowering Crabapple

As usual, I enjoyed the Crabapple this year, even if their flowers have been cut short by the wind and rain we had. Both rose-red crabs have been remarkable and I am glad I planted them. The first is Malus x 'Prairie Fire' and is a hardy tree (U.S. Zone 3), which is about 15-20 meters in height. Even if I never keep a little smaller. It is resistant to diseases, which may be the most important criteria for selecting cultivars for me now. "Prairiefire" has been around for some time, it was introduced in 1982.

Two pink flowering Crabapple

Crabapple latter was new for me but made the last two years. Cardinal Crabapple (Malus' Cardinal ') was introduced by Princeton Nurseries in New Jersey and is also considered resistant to disease. Flowers, a rose, but the best thing about this tree is the purple color of its leaves. Mine did not put a lot of fruit and I hope that changes but overall I am very happy with this tree.

Two pink flowering Crabapple


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